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Ganglion Cyst | Symptoms and Treatment | What Causes A Ganglion Cyst

Ganglion Cyst

What is a Ganglion Cyst?

A ganglion cyst is a large lump that forms commonly between the hand and the wrist, it is usually hard on the surface and described as a bump, mass, swelling, and filled with a jellylike fluid.

A ganglion cyst is also known as the bible cyst, it is formed within a sac of fluid that occurs over a joint that connects muscle to tissue, depending on the size, a cyst may feel spongy or firm. It can also occur near the knee or ankle.


If you have the following symptoms, there could be a great chance you have a ganglion cyst;

  • A mass or swell between the hand and wrist
  • Unexisting or little pain is felt from the swell
  • Size may reduce or increase over time
  • It goes away and comes back later
  • Feeling of weakness in the affected finger if the cyst is connected to a tendon


The cause of ganglion cyst is unknown but it's often attributed to a flaw in the joint capsule or tendon sheath that allows the joint tissue to bulge out. It's sometimes caused by trauma at the joints around the wrist or ankle. Ganglion cyst is more common in women than men, and 70% occurs among people between the ages of 20 to 40 years old.


There are two types of treatment methods for ganglion cyst; the surgical method and the non-surgical method.

Surgical procedure

Ganglion cyst can be treated through surgical means but it's recommended to explore other treatment methods before considering this option. In this treatment, the doctor will surgically remove the cyst and the sack that is attached to the joint or tendon. There are rare cases of surgical injuries and also cyst may reappear over time.

If cyst reappears after surgery, there are several things to consider, sometimes what has reappeared may not be an actual cyst but a build-up of fluids in the area. I will suggest taking in more anti-inflammatory fruits or drugs (prescribed).

Personally, I also suffered from ganglion cyst for almost 6 years and it was a challenge for me throughout that period, I went through surgical removal of my cyst successfully and the cyst was gone for almost a year, but after some time and regular use of affected wrist the cyst reemerged and it was really disappointing.

Amazingly, after taking salo mango and going on a 1-mile intensive jogging one dawn my cysts just disappeared, and it has been almost three months since then. This has not been scientifically proven but you can try and see if it will help your case as well.

Non-surgical method

  • Aspiration: In this procedure, a syringe is injected into the cyst to draw out the fluid inside the sac. This procedure does not involve the removal of the area that attaches the cyst to the joint and therefore a high chance for the cyst to reoccur.
  • Anti-Inflammatory gels: According to some sources, there is a gel that can also help to treat ganglion cyst, Aspercreme. People with ganglion cyst has attested to the fact that aspercreme have helped treat their cysts. This is not medically approved treatment yet but you can give it a try.
  • Home remedy: Initially people used to treat ganglion cyst at home, using all kinds of methods including using a hard object to strike on the cyst but this treatment is not recommended because you could damage other tissue of nerves around the area.

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